You’ve Got the Talent, We’ve Got the Job

Searching for jobs in times of uncertainty can be daunting. Whether your job search is a result of a restructure, a layoff, or a career change, the application and interview process can overwhelm even the most seasoned professional. But this is an exciting opportunity to reflect on what you want in a career and find a company and career that is a true fit for YOU. At Centene, we want to make your candidate journey as easy as possible. Here are 3 tips for searching for a job.
1. Don't Rush It
Take this time to reflect on your skills, what you like doing, and where you would like to see yourself in a few years. Did you enjoy your previous job? Were there aspects that you did not enjoy? What projects brought you the biggest sense of accomplishment and which made the days drag on? You are in control of your career and your next big step, so let’s take this opportunity to find the best fit. Identify which skills are your strong suit and how you’d like to apply them. This is also a great time to identify which values are important to you in an employer and find one that aligns with your own.
2. Establish a Routine
Whether you are currently working or if job searching is your full-time job, it’s important to keep a routine. This will keep you on track and make sure that you’re getting the most out of your days. Establishing a routine can mean something different to everyone, but some basic routines can include waking up around the same time every day, making sure to eat regular meals, and keeping your resume up to date.
3. Stay Positive
The application and interview process can seem endless, but it’s important to stay positive. Following along with your established routine can have a huge impact on your positivity. This is a great opportunity to get some fresh air and go on walks in your neighborhood or a nearby park. Try to maintain practices that have kept you positive and centered, whether this includes exercise such as yoga or running, therapy, reading or knitting, or staying in touch with loved ones. Being connected helps keep you in a good head space and will do wonders to keep you positive and ready for your job hunt. At Centene, a collaborative, inclusive, and engaging work environment is a cornerstone of our culture. Search our jobs today.